Reasonably well done but it IS about cock fighting....
24 October 2015
"The Golden Cockerel" is a musical about cock fighting and it follows a poor man and his beloved cock as they win money, make his gambler partner richer and the gambler's girlfriend, inexplicably, long to be with the poor guy who never really gave her much evidence that he cared.

This is a tough film for an American to review, as cock fighting was outlawed in the entire US (except for Puerto Rico) long ago. It's just not a part of our culture and most folks here look upon cock fighting as brutal and wrong. Because of this, I was very surprised to see the American version of Netflix with "The Golden Cockerel" among its many DVDs. So, despite disliking the cockfighting industry, I decided to give it a try anyway, as I like foreign films of all sorts. Not surprisingly, I was a bit put off by the cockfighting in the film! But was it worth seeing otherwise? Yes and no. The cockfighting wasn't as bloody and nasty as it could have been but the story itself and the singing just never made a lot of sense to me. Why would a woman turned down a successful guy to chase after some poor dude with a cock? And, why would cock fighting result in so many songs? A truly strange film definitely not for all tastes.
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