19 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If ANY director decides he/she is going for black comedy, they have to walk a very fine line otherwise their picture is going to fail and fail horribly. Such is the case in "Lumberjack Man," another in After Dark's compilation for this year.

It started with great promise. A group of foul-mouthed teenagers is on their way to summer bible camp. I think the total IQ on the bus might have been 25, but I can deal with that. Their leading camp counselor is a dork you just want to beat over the head with a large object. Of course, every boy (save one) has only one thing on their mind and you can imagine what that is. They are pursued by a doctor (played by Michael Madsen) who is trying to advise the locals of the impending disaster unless someone can stop "Lumberjack Man."

Madsen does not take his part seriously, which was a nice change. In fact, he's one of the few bright spots in the picture. It was the director's decision to take this movie so over-the-top where the mistake was made. I don't mind "camp." In fact, it can be rather refreshing in a genre that's gone mainly to the dogs. However, in this case, the director decided he had to constantly club the viewer over the head with language, nudity, and plain old stupidity to make the movie likable/watchable . BIG MISTAKE.

If you're going for "black comedy" or "camp," you simply HAVE to make some of your characters likable, but most of all, BELIEVABLE. Only the worst of caricatures were in this movie, from the methed-out bus driver to the bimbos. There was nothing but a constant stream of the f- bomb, boobies, and tepid CGI kills. As for the villain, I've seen better masks on "Face Off." There are no scares, no tension (you see the "monster" from the get-go), and no connection between characters.

The movie is rated "R" for constant language, nudity, and some horror violence. Strike "2" After Dark. I've got two more installments I'm going to watch tonight.
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