Midsomer Murders: The Sleeper Under the Hill (2011)
Season 14, Episode 5
Different views see different things
18 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I had reason to see this episode again recently, and then happened on the three reviews of it on IMDb, and am writing to highlight some errors apparently seen by the reviewers; The plots of the episodes are complex, often too complex to survive the final editing without some errors creeping in. In this case, I see the local police sergeant's role not ringing true to the life of a local (I can't see him being so readily bribed in a way that leaves witnesses). The use of the theodolite in both cases was correct (although the use of a telescope would make more sense). There was no need for the use of a datum point since the sole purpose of its use was to show that the stone circle was not actually on the ley line. The reason for the murders was caused by the finding of the relics. The main antagonist would have his historical significance diminished if he was shown to be in error, while the other murders were partially caused by the value of the relics found, as exemplified in the last scene when Barnaby apparently walked off with a million pounds of relic in his pocket. The fact that the modern-day druids were described as peaceful could have merely been used as a plot device, or it could have been the writer commenting on the fact that modern re-enactors of the druids ignore the fact that the religion was quite bloody in its practices.
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