Puli (2015)
PULI - A RARE ROAR - Family Entertainer in FANTASY Mode
6 October 2015
Firstly Congrats for the team for making such a wonderful attempt.. Special Thanks for VIJAY for doing this kind of movie totally contrast to his MASS appeal..

People who gives negatives about the film is totally disagree. Firstly we should have the mind to appreciate new things what they have achieved and support their effort. If don't have such mindset please don't speak up ! The film has fantastic CG work which is not lesser to Hollywood movies maybe 80% they have achieved ! Hats Off The movie lacks in Storyline and screenplay - Yes ! Director could have tried to keep the storyline simple and make the Visual grandeur. So people says there is no content, they have worked out 100% for Visual magic here..

Also for a Fantasy adventure movie, you cannot expect Performance oriented or concept oriented. Its fun filled ride for families and kids - A Visual treat ! Music is not up-to the mark - Yes. The fault is there in Music department totally which doesn't gel with the fantasy genre ..

Also director tried to make a Tamil film which has Hollywood movie flavor, Hence its a first time people watching this, they feel its not up-to what they expected..

Apart from the General audience, people who hates Vijay started making fun out of this film and his effort is surely underestimated.

Vijay's commitment and hard work totally is Commendable! Way to go.. Younger generation actors will follow his path..

There is lot of loop holes in story but no blame for the effort ! MUST WATCH if you are a General audience.. Even Vijay Haters will Love this kind of Film, especially Kids..

PULI - One of its Kind in Tamil Cinema A RARE ROAR in Tamil Cinema....

Welcome FANTASY Genre in Indian Cinema - Future will have more of this kind for sure..
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