Review of Quantico

Quantico (2015–2018)
Gave it three stars out of sympathy for the actors
28 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, spoiler alert - the pilot's got to be a dream sequence. Everyone will wake up and graduate from Fibbie School in Epi 2. Deus ex machina, baby.

Twin Muslim women acting as one, infiltrating the ranks of the recruits, unbeknownst to the Agency. Good one. That will def fool em. The school admin's also the assistant FBI director, but at least she has a second job driving a bus and wears a hat down low so no one will notice her as she breaks a recruit out of police custody presumably to save her life, and oh yeah, the recruit believes this.

A Mormon preacher slash recruit uses a range weapon to commit suicide when his secret predilection for having sex and impregnating a 14 yr old Malaysian child, then taking her for an illegal abortion kills her... is uncovered by the FBI's vetting process? No. Is shown thru actions, past behavior and good writing? No. It's revealed through research done by a fellow student who can't tie his own shoes. Tell don't show. Makes perfect sense to me.

Then there's the "surprise" ending. The bad guys, whoever they are, blow up a fourteen story building. Can't wait to see how they top that next week. Can you feel the excitement in the air? Would they dare crash a jumbo jet? Or three? BTW, who wrote this screenplay? Let me guess. It was either a 10 yr old or Stephen Colbert on acid.
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