Tomorrowland (2015)
Fun kid safe sci fi movie that looks great
25 September 2015
My quick rating - 6,0/10. Unfairly dogged in the theater but it does have its flaws. The story itself is contrived and really doesn't try to explain itself to well. Then again, it is fantasy ad summer blockbuster so why am I bothering being critical. The movie looks fabulous as expected (200 million in budget will do that) so at least the movie broke even (not even close with marketing). Britt Robinson(female lead) does a very good job in her acting role and is very believable as the apprehensive young kid. Nice to see some good wholesome kid sci fi that still entertains adults, this is why I think it didn't get a fair shake. Parents should've been rushing their kids to a little more mature sci fi film but I guess the marketing just didn't hit the right audience. To be honest, by the marketing, I personally saw it as another George Clooney vehicle which it wasn't. Oh well,still an enjoyable film that stands up even with its flaws.
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