Until Dawn (2015 Video Game)
Cabin in the woods... But better. WAY better.
22 September 2015
When I was a kid I grew up hearing horror stories of the dreaded Wendigo in the mountains. And the fact that they finally made a horror story for it made my day even better than actually playing this game. The Butterfly Effect is greatly influenced in this game, and if you are a fan of TellTale games then you will love this, because the smallest choices you make really do have an effect on the story and how you play. Everything you say, do, or decide will effect how the game goes. The gameplay was simple as well to go with the Effect which makes it so much more fun. And also (and this is just something I'd like to point out to all horror movies and games) you can enjoy horror movies without the use of nudity and sex. Also, the voice acting was tremendous. The use of ALMOST every cliché in a teen slasher movie is not overdone with a few extra surprises in store. The graphics on everything from facial, hair, and environment was top-notch amazing. Now, the scares. The game kept me guessing the entire time what was real or not, which just adds to the suspense as you continue to play through the game. The monsters are terrifying, the legend behind them is disturbing, the use of psychological influence greatly affects the mood, this is one of those horror games that just nails it every single time and without mercy when it comes to the choices you make. Although it might not be as scary or gory as many horror games are, but it defiantly causes quite a stir on your heart as you are trying to find out what is going on out there in the cabin. So choose wisely, and definitely play this game. It is now considered one of my favorite horror games.
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