You Might Go to Jail After Watching This
20 September 2015
Me D's No Thing Tales

Mr D, short for Dead, introduces a series of extreme horror tales, that are less about story telling and more about shock and gore. A horror anthology not for the faint of heart. If you want 2015 sleaze then look no further. This movie is one of the grimiest, skeeziest and trashiest films I've seen this year. Plus this movie looks like it was made by the 8th grade AV club nerds. Like the turds that work at that rag TMZ. Maybe it was made by Max the blonde surfer dude or the new Australian Max. It took me half a bottle of Francis Ford Coppola Merlot to make it through the whole craptacular feature. The graphics are the worst of all time along with the special effects so at least Mr. D's consistent. The girl getting raped and beaten by a ghost is unforgettable. This is an hour and a half of tying up and torturing topless skanks. In all seriousness every woman in Mr. D's schlockfest are absolutely stunning. How the director Jack Foster pulled it off I will never know. This Cleveland steamer was shot with a measly $10,000 budget. I would kill a bitch to find out what Amazon Prime paid the distributor to showcase this gem. This one actress gets a headache in the third act and you will to if you make it that far. Good luck and may the horrible movie Gods bless you in your quest to find something worse.
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