Doctor Who: The Magician's Apprentice (2015)
Season 9, Episode 1
Hell's Deciple
21 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Warning don't read unless you've seen episode.

This was a great start to Season 9 hopefully it can maintain this kind of momentum. I really like the beginning where as usual it was a mystery (or at least to some) where we see this planet at war and a little boy. Seeing the kid I was thinking this person has to be someone we already know, this couldn't be just some random person. The kid of course is in trouble and the Doctor arrives on time to help him but then of course the bomb drops when we discover the identity of the kid.

The kid's name is Davros, I'll admit I honestly didn't see it coming, hearing that just gave me a cold chill. It was also a bit heart sinking knowing that Davros use to be human and an innocent child, in a way it was sort of fate presenting the Doctor with a second chance to kill Davros and the Daliek race once and for all.

Really liked it when The Master came back, the dialog with her was just fully of snap and crackle and as usual she's funny or blackly funny. It was kind of interesting how the episode for a while in a way made The Master the main protagonist well kinda sorta because it really looked as thought she was doing things to move the story along. I really liked what the Master said about her relationship with the Doctor, despite both of them being enemies she doesn't hate the Doctor.

Sure she does lose the match with him but that also means the contest between them goes on; and her past version she or should I say he once stated that he does miss his opponents when their gone. And of course the rivalry to her is the only thing that keeps the relationship between them alive, which is touching in a very strange and confusing sense.

But of course from her we find out the Doctor has a will, and that it was given to her which I'll admit is very interesting in the relationship between the two, let alone the fact it can only be opened by a time lord when the author of the will has passed on. By it's nature this will is obviously a maguffin device for either this two parter or the whole season, we'll see.

The Doctor as usual was great really liked that moment in that medieval coliseum as he is rolling in on a tank and he is playing heavy metal music, that was just awesome it really looked it it could of been Heavy Metal Cover Art waiting to happen.

However the kicker is seeing Davros once more which was awesome because this is a villain that doesn't come around often almost mere decades. Davros has came only one time which different incarnations of the Doctor mainly 4, 5, 7, 10 and now number 12. It's also when you think about it the first time both The Master and Davros were together, which makes it even cooler. Davros we see is dying or at least so he claims, he's hard to kill but then again due to the Doctor winding down to his last incarnation it's possible this could be the very last time we see Davros, if that's true I hope they make it count. And on a side note really liked that number two Davros had, looked like he could be one of the monsters from the movie Nightbreed. In a way the monster was sort of a 3 Dimensional jigsaw puzzle but a really creepy one as it's a nest of snakes made into a humanoid and when it comes apart it just one huge snake concealed inside.

Anyway, the back and forth between both Davros and the Doctor was fascinating and a little intense. Davros biological clock is about to click toward it's final minutes but of course he's not going don't without a fight as he is doing everything in his power to hurt and spite the Doctor. We even see one surreal moment after Davros commits one act. The Doctor literally goes down on his knees and begs him to stop and kill him out instead which is something I've never thought I'd see the Doctor do ever this is the last thing he ever wants to do, but seeing that just shows how deep the knife Davros shoved into the Doctor went, he just wants to continue to hurt the Doctor for all eternity even when he's gone his legacy the Dalieks will continue that work for him.

We also discover something more heart sinking when we discover the Doctor did save Davros life and probably traveled with him in the Tardis for a while, and both had sort of a teacher student relationship for a while. This sort of deepens the conflict between the two characters because both the Doctor and Davros because it's sort of the old motif of the conflict between Teacher and Student, Davros unfortunately was the student that used the Doctor's teachings for evil; in a way it's sort of like with Ben Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.

And we see the Doctor pushed past the breaking point, from what just happened it really looks like the Doctor is about to make an exception to the rule of not changing the past and take that chance as we see him appear in a different position from the boy and point a laser gun at young Davros. Well we'll just have to wait and see which decision the Doctor makes, pray it's the right one.

Rating: 4 stars
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