Quincy M.E.: The Depth of Beauty (1979)
Season 4, Episode 13
Stupid, irresponsible and incompetent episode
20 September 2015
The Depth of Beauty begins with a disfigured woman committing suicide by jumping from the rooftop of her high-rise apartment building. Quincy (Jack Klugman) conducts the autopsy and is baffled over the extensive scarring on her face which was clearly the result of a cosmetic surgery gone bad. He meets with her husband who advises Quincy that she was so distraught over the work done by her surgeon, Dr. Emile Green (Garnett Smith), that she felt suicide was her only option. When questioned by Quincy, Dr. Green denies any responsibility and callously blames the victim infuriating Quincy and putting him on a mission to shut him down. Quincy meets with representatives from the District Attorneys office who confirm that they have a stack of complaints against the incompetent doctor, but are lacking the evidence to do anything about in terms of criminal charges under the law. This prompts Quincy to take out a newspaper ad in an effort to locate additional victims of incompetent plastic surgeries so that they may obtain the evidence needed to move forward, and a former actress named Dorrie Larkin (Jane Greer) who was also disfigured by Dr. Green responds.

I was shocked that this episode is rated as highly as it is here because I found it to be astoundingly incompetent and stupid. First off, if there had been so many quality of care and wrongful death complaints filed with the DA's office against this doctor, why was none of this coordinated with the state review board for revocation of his medical license if criminal charges could not be filed? There was plenty of compelling evidence to warrant this and the medical review board has a lower burden of proof than a criminal court. Instead, we have Quincy, a medical professional himself, meeting with two other legal and medical professionals at the DA's office and this doesn't occur to any of them?? It isn't until later at the lab that Dr. Asten (John S. Ragin) finally suggests this obvious avenue to Quincy. Ridiculous!!

I also could not believe the storyline involving the mother who lost her daughter after Dr. Green left her with an open wound following surgery. If it was as horrendous as she described where she could "see her insides", why would you have not taken her to the hospital immediately for treatment rather than waiting for two days making unsuccessful calls to the surgeon's office. Stupid!!

I also wasn't buying that out of all these horrendous medical complaints that not a single one of them resulted in a huge medical malpractice lawsuit against Dr. Green. Some of the victims and lawyers definitely would have taken him on in the courts and put him out of business.

Finally, I found the whole nobody is willing to do anything or take action against this doctor until a big celebrity (Dorrie Larkin) gets involved to be an extremely irresponsible and misleading message. How was her case different from any of the others and such a game changer? It is not necessary for a celebrity to come forward to stop egregious behavior as described in this story and any citizen has the power to do so by contacting the proper government authorities, legal professionals and media. To suggest otherwise was so offensive.

Overall, an extremely poor Season 4 episode with no mystery whatsoever and plenty of misinformation and stupidity all around.
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