Tales from the Darkside: Fear of Floating (1986)
Season 2, Episode 23
Yeah, it's about a guy who can float...
19 September 2015
This TALES FROM THE DARKSIDE episode is about a guy with the power to float in the air (he has to wear weighted boots for the most part to remain on the ground). There's little more story to it than that, only that the guy is being pursued by a jilted love interest and takes refuge in a police station for sanctuary.

This is one of those dumb comedies with a stupid premise and an even stupider execution. The acting is over the top and the characters are ridiculous, and needless to say the poor special effects (or, indeed, lack of them) are particularly noticeable given the non-existent budget. The only thing of note in this worthless episode is the very end, which is pleasingly grisly.
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