what knock knock could have been
11 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
great little thriller, the best of the psychological home invasion genre. great acting especially from the two leads, Aaron and Alison, and an interesting examination of love and monogamy, definitely worth a watch. would make a good companion piece with Gone Girl in a double bill designed to break up relationships lol.

Where Knock Knock attempted a similar thing but failed (especially in the last 15 mins) this film succeeds and is consistent in its themes and ending in a way that knock knock struggled with.

**spoilers ahead**

It starts off with a home invasion where our "villain" ties the protagonist and her husband up in beautiful Japanese bondage knots, and slowly over the course of a weekend subjects them both to extreme torment. But where other home invaders are intent on physical or sexual carnage, Aaron has set his sights on the inner cracks of their relationship, and through a bit of torture and psychological manipulation he slowly tries to break it down.
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