War Room (2015)
An uplifting Message...
12 September 2015
The people on IMDb message boards (and elsewhere) that rant against Christian / God-inspired movies are quite obviously people who once 'dared face God' and rebelliously decided that obedience to his Word was somehow 'truncating' their FREE will. Clearly those naysayers DO believe in God, but they are not yet ready to bow their head in obedience, so they raill against God, Whom they fear. They make disdainful comments about Believers because they themselves are insecure and cannot reconcile The Truth with their devil-inspired desires. All of life is ILLUSION, the only REALITY is GOD. I pray for the naysayers, as long as they still live they are to be considered salvageable, and Jesus will accept them with love and without condemnation. They need only reach out to Him. Praise Jesus and the makers of movies like this one, and The Gospel of John, and anything Pureflix>> God's Not Dead, The Encounter, etc. (PS, IMDb spell checker: raill is the correct word, it's only recently started to be replaced in spellchecking programs with 'rail' though 'raill' has a distinctly DIFFERENT meaning. I decry the stupidity that is creeping in everywhere (even though I started using 'ain't' as an 'affectation' a few years back when I moved to The South, but I never said I was NOT a hypocrite). :)
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