Skull Forest (2012)
9 September 2015
First of all, better sound editing would have improved certain scenes greatly. touches like proper ballroom music with reverb that matches the room ambiance is an easy one.

Sound transitions from scene to scene will reduce the "jarring" effect for the viewer and give a natural feel instead of distracting from story.

The weird wobbly camera angles in the beginning are just annoying. Just stop doing that. ugh.

Delivery of the dialogue is relatively strong, but some of the actors need to beware of the "sing-song" delivery they fall into easily. The words are supposed to MEAN something to the character, that's doesn't happen when it's sounds like 12 year olds at the mall. Again, this was only occasional. The ladies in this were capable and did a fine job.

quick tech flaw: The camera shots playfully taken at the creek needed to have the CAMERA LENS OPEN on the camera she's using.. lol. people notice those things, and a good continuity/production assistant would've'e been on top of that. ;)

The above might seem harsh and nit-picky but can make a real difference in product.

Watchable but not Big-Screen quality, good story concept, decent pacing, strong effort all around.
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