A Child-Like Production
26 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS***Having just about all that he can stomach from his by the rules dad Mr. Douglas and over-sexed step sister Janis Bobby Douglas runs away from home and ends up on the streets of Tampa Florida. It's there where he's taken advantage by this gang of gay bikers who at first offer him a drink and place to stay and then is brutally gang raped by them. Dumped in the nearby woods with only his skin tight glowing in the dark fluoresce size 28 briefs, which is the only clothes he wares during his entire ordeal, Bobby is adopted by this gang of satanists who despite suspecting him of being gay,there very homophobic, accept him as one of their very own.

It's while Bobby is being looked after by the women of the satanic group a tug of war develops between the hot and sexy woman caring for him and the head man of the group the basketball player size, 6 foot 6, Simon. It's Simon who in him suspecting Bobby of being gay feels that he just can't cut it in being a satanist with his boss, the big man himself Lucifer,who's not too hip about his sexual, men, preferences. Seeing the writing on the wall Bobby makes his escape, wearing only his skin tight briefs, into the woods with Simon's men hot on his tail in getting him prepared, if caught, for the upcoming monthly, when there a full moon, satanic ritual human sacrifice!

***SPOILERS*** It then that Bobby proves his worth to be a member of the gang by outrunning his perusers and in the end having then drown in a pool of Quaker Oats, that's substituted for quicksand, and finally doing in his dad and kidnapping his step sister for good measures. What really impressed Simon as well as his boss Lucifer is when Bobby now all cleaned up and with a set of new 1970's style hipster clothes tracks and guns down the three gay bikers who raped and left him for dead. And best of all in Simon and his bosses opinion hacked their heads off, like ISIS dose to its victims now, and in a blood soaked laundry bag brings it to him for a present. We still have to have the monthly human sacrifice that Lucifer demands and the lucky person who gets to honor of being it is non other then Janis who for all the suffering that she caused Bobby, now a fully accepted Satanist, over the years now finally ends up getting everything that she so rightfully deserves and has coming to her.
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