Did you know this.....
6 September 2015
A couple reviews state that "frenel" lenses don't exist - true, it is spelled fresnel but it is pronounced in English as fray-nel. The Fresnel lens was invented by French physicist Augustin- Jean Fresnel. The French would pronounce it freh-nehl. So please first check your knowledge of how something is spelled/pronounced. I gave this show a 10 because I'm tired of shows like Mythbusters. Kevin and Grant take failed experiments from YouTube and do it so that it DOES succeed without the damage it causes to the YouTube users. And its a limited budget. It is two buddies working out of a garage, having fun and seeing how far they can go to make something succeed. They made a 400lb concrete boat float!!! I want to know how many people can do that without knowing the science and math to make it actually work! What a breath of fresh air for a show. My whole family loves it!
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