Best one in the series so far
6 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Catching Fire, the second installment in "The Hunger Games" trilogy was by far the best movie in the series that I have seen so far. This film goes more in depth with the story and the Characters feelings than the first one did, and explains more about how life is in the districts. It seems like the camera work, make up, lines, the writing, and what they did a did not cut out of the movie from the books was done with more care and thought than before. Catching fire was somewhat like the book, and kept Me on the edge of My seat until the end of the Movie, and I have seen it about 6 times sense 2013. The actors really put their hearts into this one, and gave off a believable performance, especially Jennifer Lawrence, and I am usually not impressed by Her. It left Me wondering what was going to happen next, and my anticipation for the next film was at an all time high( but that was for nothing, but that if for Me to talk about at a later time)and I really got into the story. Catching Fire deserves I higher rating than it received in My opinion.
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