A good drive-in movie back in the day! :)
1 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Along with many other European horror movies of the 1960s and 1970s, mainly Italian, Spanish, and/or Portuguese productions, this movie was a drive-in classic for us boys between the ages of seven and 14.

Most adults probably found this to be quite un-scary after seeing movies like "Rosemary's Baby" and "Night of the Living Dead." It isn't 'too' scary for a child to have nightmares, but, it has vampires and rustic settings that made for a decent horror movie.

After seeing this movie again as an adult, what I find best are the beautiful actresses - Anita Ekberg; Rosanna Yanni; Adrianna Ambesi; and, especially, Diana Lorys. Also, that cat-fight between Diana Lorys and Adrianna Ambesi is kinda-cool...but, they didn't tear any clothing off, which is a bummer!?!? :( Since they're both vampires, is it a 'bat-fight?' Or, is a 'bat-fight' between two old and ugly women? :D

What I find worst about this movie is that weak-wimp-of-a-vampire, Count Walbrooke, who gets overpowered by a mere human; and, how his 'traditional' female-vampire servants don't always obey him...WHAT!?!? Also, that over-sexed-under-courageous-clown, Max, who's afraid of everything...but, then laughs at Dr. Horbinger's vampire ritual!?!? If he thinks vampires and their rituals are so silly, what's he so scared of?

Anyhow, this is a good, even great, vampire movie, if you're a very young horror fan; or, an adult who scares easily. It's also enjoyable if you love beautiful European women with a lot of cleavage; or, if you're an Amando de Ossorio fan and wish to see this just so you can say you did. His "Blind Dead" trilogy is much better; and, that Spanish actress, Maria Elena Arpón (Helen Harp), is beautiful!

As an adult, I give this six stars. As someone who saw this as a child, I'd have given it the same as I'd have compared it to "Tombs of the Blind Dead" (1972); "The Vampires' Night Orgy" (1974); and, the American-made/Esperanto-spoken "Incubus" (1966) - which are all scarier and far more superior.
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