"Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story NEVER Told"...?
1 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Among the Allies who first liberated the German concentration camps were photographers, cameramen and film-makers from the British Army Film and Photographic Unit and British Movietone News. What they saw was something so incompressible and simply unbelievable in it's depravity that when the footage was seen by legendary film director, Alfred Hitchcock in his 'official' capacity as an adviser, his advice was to minimise the editing and to show the footage largely as seen. His fear was that when viewed by general public - and the Germans in particular - they wouldn't believe it and would accuse the Allies of trick footage, clever editing etc etc.

This was the real truth behind Adolf Hitler. Do not be persuaded by this "documentary", especially as it relies far too heavily on scenes from Christian Duguay's 2003 film "Hitler: The Rise of Evil", the title of which speaks for itself. As others before me have already stated, there's nothing really new in Dennis Wise's film; it regurgitates and shuffles old footage to suit his commentary. The use of 'mood music' throughout is unwarranted and completely out of place, as it's intention is prey upon the viewers emotions. Be wary of falling into this age-old film-makers trap.

In summary, Hitler might well have had a tough childhood filled with disappointments and broken "dreams", but that's life. Yes, he was a WWI hero in the German trenches, but he was also a megalomaniac who destroyed (literally) all those who opposed him. This allowed him to become dictator and "Führer" of all Germany, loved by the German people because he'd given them a lifestyle they could only have dreamt about a few years earlier. They simply turned a blind eye to the atrocities carried out in their name. The rest is history...
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