Angel: Offspring (2001)
Season 3, Episode 7
darla's got a bundle of...maybe not joy, but let's go with evil supreme unholy terror
31 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched "Offspring" for the first time and don't know where the pregnancy story line is headed yet, but I'm never a fan of characters on TV having kids. Sometimes it's like television writers think the only long-term story arc female characters can carry is romance (usually doomed) or pregnancy (usually doomed, at least in genre fare). Cordelia already had her "evil spawn" one-off back in season one and I have to say, it's a little misogynistic how often the writers will put Cordy through something completely traumatic for the purposes of upping the stakes (such as being head-raped by the demons with the third eye in season two's Epiphany), only to have her experiences forgotten by next episode. Granted, every member of AI has been through rough stuff, but Cordelia is the only one who's had her body invaded--twice...

Also, it aggravates me when characters in the Buffyverse have a showdown with a recurring enemy and then just let them walk away at the end because their emotions get in the way. Angel let Darla walk away last season and now a busload of people is dead. As though Angel thought that, just because he felt sorry for her in the moment, she wouldn't keep on killing innocents when he let her go? Guess it's all right so long as he doesn't have to deal with it. There should have been an episode where Angel goes to apologize in person to the family members of one of Darla's many victims, telling them that the deceased would still be alive if Angel had taken the appropriate action at the opportune moment and killed her. I would love to see him come face-to-face with the guilt of his inaction. But of course the show lets him off the hook.

Cordelia herself is also appallingly dumb this episode, treating Darla like a pitiful friend and trying to get all chatty with her--even shutting herself into a room with Darla, all alone. Of course that backfires. When she admits to Angel the attack was her fault because she forgot what a savage killer Darla is, all I could think was, "Well, duh." Then again, amongst Gunn, Wesley, and Lorne, nobody else thinks to question Cordelia being sequestered all alone with Darla either, so I guess they're all idiots.

Anyway, Fred is cute. I seem to be shipping her and Wesley.
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