Wildlife Specials: Gorillas: On the Trail of King Kong (2002)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Poorly named but fascinating....
28 August 2015
Warning: This show is NOT for anyone who is phobic about insects!!!

My guess is that the King Kong part of the title of this show was added by someone wishing to sensationalize the gorilla aspect of it. However, Kong and lowland gorillas have very little in common--so just watch the show for a nice and placid depiction of the animals. Don't expect to see horrible and terrifying beasts.

The film crew for this documentary went to the Congo--one of the more hellish places on the planet. While the highland gorillas of the Congo and Rwanda are very famous, they're rare animals. The much more common lowland gorilla, surprisingly, is much less talked about nor as well understood. Some of it could be because they don't have a champion like Diane Fossey and her highland gorillas or perhaps it's because the place where lowland gorillas live is a pest-infested swampland. Regardless, you really have to feel for the filmmakers--especially in a truly horrific scene where the cameraman is covered in bugs, as it's NOT a part of the show for anyone who is afraid of insects!! Overall, very interesting and well made, though I did have an occasional quibble because the narrator, David Attenborough, did occasionally make comments that tended to anthropomorphize the creatures. They aren't human and trying to explain their behaviors in human terms seemed a bit disingenuous. But, still it's a quality production and worth your time.
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