The Duellists (1977)
One of the best character driven films
25 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely go out of my way to write an unabashedly positive film review. With Ridley Scott's classic here, I have to say that it hit all the marks of excellence I can possibly think of: a) It is interesting, suspenseful and entertaining; b)It combines action, adventure, quiet philosophical moments and a great portrait of an era, without being a simple period piece; c) It had created compelling and somewhat mysterious main characters who are thrilling to follow, through the entire story; and d)although it doesn't preach, it contains a moral and offers a commentary on life. In short, it is a complex, thoughtful and yet fun film. It is also violent, on a certain level, but the violence isn't gratuitous but rather there to illustrate a way of life.

'The Duellists' is set in a fascinating era, the Napoleonic wars, and in the professional soldier class. These guys were extremely capable and were a kind of an elite, in their own way. Because it is an exploration of the concept of 'honour' and one can say a commentary on those who perhaps pervert or take honour too far, the film cannot avoid making a detour into somewhat socio-political matters...and yet it stays away from politics (no questioning whether Napoleon was good, bad, etc). It is refreshing to see this.

The characters are what really drives the story here. They are both developed well, presented in a setting that's always evolving, and even though it's mostly a story of their intense rivalry, the story feels believable and the characters seem like men of flesh and blood (not mere caricatures, which is a trap many historical films fall into).

Last but not least, this film is visually very appealing, with interesting angles, imaginative, artistic use of light, and very serious attention to detail like uniforms, manners, the look and feel of the early 1800s, and the nice, pastoral French landscape. So it was very easy on the eyes.

There are so many newer films and so many blockbuster-type movies that failed to make a lasting impression on me. The Duellists is in the opposite camp - I could watch it three or four times and still appreciate it.
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