Little Women: LA (2014–2019)
Tonya you need an attitude adjustment!
22 August 2015
Tonya and Terra need to go,

they are mean and have an ugly personality! I won't even waste my time watching this .. I can't believe these women don't tell her anything!!

Reminds me of a bimbo I used to be friends with ....

Tonya you are rude & you are so disrespectful to others. You have issues girl!! Get some help! You Are an ugly person inside & out & no one should bow down to you . Your just not worth it, get over yourself..... you are what like 50 years old. start acting like it !!

Terra, get a back bone girl & stop kissing Tony's ass. You need to get your head out of you own ass. When friends come to you with problems, a friend listens & doesn't judge. The only people with morales are Christy, Briana, & Jasmine. You & Terra need to stop being jealous ... Get a life you just had a baby!!! Grow up already !
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