Ender's Game (2013)
Books Are Great but So Are Movies
22 August 2015
Yes I have read the book Ender's Game. I also have read other great books by Orson Scott Card such as Wyrms, The Worthing Saga, The Memory of Earth and the Folks of the Fringe. They are all great reads and very entertaining. Books rely on the imagination of the reader to fill in the blanks and draw comparisons and in doing so they provide a more intimate, insightful and personal experience. Imagining what an alien looks like is probably more personal than seeing how someone else had imagined it would look. Yet movie adaptations can deliver an experience that written word cannot. They are separate accounts of the same story. One promotes interest in the other. I like both and I am glad to have finally been given a cinematic rendition of Cards original vision. Ender's Game is a very good movie. It's not Oscar worthy nor was it intended to be. It is ,however, entertaining and well acted with state of the art sfx, sets and costumes. Maybe they should start giving science fiction movies their own awards much like they do with the books which have the Hugo and the Nebula awards. Why shouldn't genre films be recognized for individual excellence? You wouldn't want a vegetarian trying to critique your wing sauce would you? No? Well, neither do I want high-brows ranking my science fiction.
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