Doctor Who: Last of the Time Lords (2007)
Season 3, Episode 13
oh nooooo, fun, but too much rule breaking
19 August 2015
We are now being told repeatedly that Martha is a legend, it's a year on, and things are bleak, The Master has conquered the Earth, and is now running wild, tormenting his pet Doctor and abusing his very own staff of the Family Jones, and it falls on Martha to save the world.

John Simm is stunningly good again, he never disappoints as an actor. He does all he can with the script, which is sadly a little under par, his dialogue is down on the Sound of Drums. There is a definite glee when it comes to his torturing the Doctor.

The lovely Lucy, 'Alexandra Moen' is wandering around looking empty and beaten, with a vagueness about her that's totally contrasted to her glamorous red dress. She's understated but very very good. He describes her as his human companion, I like that concept of the Master having a companion.

Some welcome additions to the cast Ellie Haddington and Tom Ellis, both of whom i've admired and do pretty well.

Sadly there are quite a few disappointments, the first half of the episode it pretty good, the second half sadly falls apart a little, the concept of the Paradox machine allows the script to cheat badly, and it sure does.

Martha's travels across the Earth in the one year are a little bit much, especially as her makeup is flawless and even her teeth glisten beautifully (she has great teeth!!)

The conclusion is a shambles, it's like they ran out of ideas, the whole storytelling and human consciousness bringing the Doctor back is nonsense, it was hideously out of place, the lasers and magic don't fit at all, that scene 'and nothing ever happened,' torture!!!

The saving grace of it was the Lucy Saxon incident, she's stood around looking vague and aloof throughout, but somehow there was something waiting to happen, she was very good. The subsequent Doctor Master scene showcases both Tennant and Simm's talents.

Freema is very good, her character has progressed and developed a lot throughout the series, more constructively then Rose, it was sad that she left after a single series, but Donna lay in wait :-)

There are real mixed reviews, I don't see it as the disaster some claim, nor do I see it as excellent, it falls between the two. Possibly the weakest series finale, due to the absence of the Doctor, after all it is his show. That said it is imaginative, it is different, they just totally ruined the ending.

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