Enjoy it for what it is
14 August 2015
In this day and age with what seems like endless Hollywood blockbusters coming out a lot of movie goers seem to expect Oscar worth films with every purchase but not every film can have timeless performances or a flawless scripts!

This film is what I call a perfect lazy film, it's simple, funny, charming and really makes you relax. It's effortless to watch and thoroughly enjoyable. The plot is obviously not going to be feasible but it doesn't have to be.... Sometimes imaginations stretch far from the norm, that's the beauty of cinema. I felt this film, however far fetched still felt real, a lot of the things he used the powers on were believable and true to what many regular people would do!

Robin Williams from beyond the grave stole the show as Dexter, another reminder of what a great and versatile actor he was, he was perfect and that angle was great!! However the rest of the relationships seemed a bit offish, in the opening exchanges Ray and Neil didn't seem to particularly like each other so the jump to them as best mates felt false. Sadly there seemed to be no chemistry between pegg and beckinsdale, the idea of the love blossoming without power would have been beautiful had the actual spark been visible and not a case of him lusting after a slightly stuck up neighbour who happens to be fit!

That was the only downfall but Williams coupled with monty Python were great! Pegg was his usual self, he seems to play the same sort of hapless goofy loser in every film, this worked, much like the worlds end its dependant on you liking pegg as an actor, if you don't you may dislike it but the unusual nature and overall quirkiness of the film make it enjoyable for the whole family bar 2-3 pg moments and bits of bad language.

Easy to watch and will leave you smiling
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