It's a winner!!!!!
14 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is an outstanding Christian movie about people from different economic and social backgrounds, that shows that kindness, love, forgiveness and patience can heal and uplift everyone! It shows how so-called Christians are not always what they say, that they are. This is an entertaining movie about baseball, that also shines Jesus to others!

My 36 year old son, who loves the Lord and baseball, says that this is a five star, exciting, heart-warming movie! I give it 5 stars, too, because it is a rare gem, that does not have any swearing in it! This is truly a wonderful story, that will make you laugh, cry and smile, again! This will be a hit with baseball fans and everyone, who loves to share victories in life!

I want to encourage the makers of this movie to keep producing wholesome, uplifting films, that can be rated either NR, or G. Folks, "G" means it is for a general audience, not just for children! Anyone, who buys, "Milltown Pride" will have a winning addition to their video collection.
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