Could have been better
13 August 2015
I love sci fi.All kinds of it from aliens blowing us,or us them to smithereens (Independence Day,Aliens),to more of the "thinking man's" sci fi (Contact,Blade Runner etc). 15 Till Midnight definitely falls into the latter category.

Seeing the budget was an estimated $27,000,I went into this with low expectations and appreciating that "low budget" doesn't automatically mean "bad movie". Apparently,this movie was shot over a seven day period.....and that I think was it's problem.

There was nothing wrong with the plot/script.

Lukas wakes up one morning to find all traces of his wife Sera's existence in his life are gone.Thinking his wife has left him during the night,he ends up in a bar later that day with a work colleague and gets slowly drunk.So drunk he brings home a girl he picks up during the night.Waking up the next morning he finds a woman in bed next to him who claims to have been in a relationship with him for some time.Something strange is obviously going on......

The problem I had with this movie is that the dialog could have been a bit more snappy.Often the actors seemed to take an age to deliver their lines which for me made some of the scenes appear unnecessarily long.And often the dialog was drowned out by overly loud and possibly unnecessary music. The special effects also for me also detracted from the movie,coming across as quite psychedelic at times and I believe the movie could have done without them entirely.

Maybe the seven day shoot was responsible for the above or not.Whatever the reason if only a bit more time and care was taken,this could have been a much better movie.The potential was obviously there.

That said this is far from being a bad movie.Just a bit more spit and polish would have put this one above the norm.

Nice idea though.
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