Sheriff Worf must face Gunslinger Data
1 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
For once the Enterprise isn't involved in an emergency and the crew have some time to relax. Geordi and Data use the time to experiment with running some of the ship's computer operations through Data to see if his systems could be used as a back-up. Meanwhile Worf goes on a holodeck adventure with his son Alexander. This takes them to the Wild West where, as sheriff and deputy they will have to deal with the local gunslinger. They manage to take him in with help from passing stranger, Counsellor Troi, but things start to go wrong soon afterwards. The Gunslinger's father turns up and he looks familiar… in fact he looks like Data but he isn't Data. It soon becomes apparent that Data's experiments with the ship's computer have had a few unexpected consequences and they could prove fatal to Worf as he finds himself in a gunfight with an opponent with Data's speed the safeties off!.

Episodes where the holodeck safeties fail can be disappointing but this was rather fun thanks to the say Data starts talking like the holodeck gunslinger in the real world as well as gradually replacing the various characters in the holodeck; Brent Spiner did a great job in the role and was clearly having fun acting out of his usual character; the final moment where the 'love interest' character was replaced by Data was hilarious… for the viewer if not for Worf! Michael Dorn does a fine job as Worf; it was nice to see how his character grew to enjoy his Wild West adventure. Overall I enjoyed this episode more than I expected; even though it was more of a humorous story it still had some exciting moments.
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