Review of The Big Bad

The Big Bad (2011)
Really Bad, and not the fun campy kind of bad either
26 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am not really sure if the people who made this film thought that by shooting it out of focus it would seem more artistic or surreal, but all it does is just make it nauseating. I normally try to point out the good and the bad when I write a review but this one is pretty lopsided. So here goes.

The good: Not a thing I can think of.

The bad: The camera-work, the framing, the sound, the acting, the makeup, the special effects, the story.

The premise has a grain of what could have been made into a good horror movie. Werewolf falls in love with a normal woman who has a kid. Misjudges and accidentally kills her while changed. Daughter hunts him down only to find there is a hidden underground of werewolves who are also hunting him. That could go several different ways. She could have met up with the underground and helped them only to have them turn on her in the end. She could have found her stepfather, forgiven him, then fought by his side against the underground. She could have started a revolution in the underground. She could have hunted them all down and killed them indiscriminately becoming either a hero or a worse monster than the werewolves.

None of that happened though. The entire underground subplot was introduced then abandoned completely with no explanations. In fact many things in this movie have no explanation. Where on earth do you find clear liquid silver in an eye dropper bottle? Why did she have "you have 3 days left" written in her notebook when there was a full moon that night and at least two months had passed since her mother was killed based on Molly's story? Why did all the women in this movie look like they never took a shower, brushed their hair, or wore makeup except for the lead? Why bring up the werewolf biting Molly's son then not mention him ever again? Why did throwing water on her dissolve Annabelle like the wicked witch of the west in Wizard of Oz? If she put some of her silver supplement in the water it never showed it. How did she say her final line when all that was left of her was a scarf and some smoke?

This movie lacks any coherence at all. It's not scary, funny, interesting, or artistic. I would hope that half of it got cut and that created the problem rather than think that someone actually wrote a script like that.

And the werewolf special effects... We won't even go there. You can buy a better werewolf mask at the dollar store.

This movie is a complete waste of time. I couldn't in good conscience recommend it to anyone.
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