War Pigs (2015)
the good the bad and the down right terrible
25 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously? Who wrote this crap? I love war movies .. i let just about anything fly except this piece of garbage .. it was too much. Poor script, Shaky camera work, bad angles ... bad actor choices and the list goes on.

lets start ..

OK Mickey Rourke, he swaggers around like a bad John Wayne, or maybe he's just a new gay pride member, its hard to tell. He dresses in a tan cowboy hat with tan khaki's in the middle of France in 1945.. huh? he didn't even bother cutting his hair , he just tied it back and stuffed it down the back of his shirt... OK, a US colonel in 1945, thats a hippie .. umm, nope, that dog doesn't hunt for me. Gladly he's not all that important a character and you only have 5 or so minutes to put up with him.

Then you have Dolph Lungren .. umm, he has a hard time mumbling out English .. now he's supposed to be a French legionnaire? You gotta love a Swedish accent mixed with french accent speaking bad English. Its like a bad comedy, seriously.

Luke Goss .. OK .. your good to go .. actually plays a good character and almost believable. Again .. very poor script writing, not his fault.

The movies is scattered and not well linked together .. things get started in training and all of a sudden the commanders decide they are ready .. huh? that last guy just fell flat on his butt and got his butt whooped. And have any of the writers ever even seen a hand grenade go off? Sorry guys, if you throw a grenade into 2 feet of water while a guy hangs 4 feet above on a rope.. he's a pizza. Not falling off and laughing at the idiot who did it.

now for the mission .. 17 km behind enemy lines is the target ... so we're driving along perfect paved roads,in war torn France, no enemy anywhere to be seen until they reach the super secret target ...and then once again get their asses kicked.

After that it was all down hill ... Don't even get me started on the music score.

Sorry guys i wanted to like the movie ... i really did but, my apathy only goes so far. This is a straight to DVD bin collectible.
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