Breaking Bad: Granite State (2013)
Season 5, Episode 15
Rock bottom
9 July 2015
One of my favorite "Breaking Bad" scenes occurs in the closing moments of "Granite State". Walter White sits there at the bar, weakened by chemo and utterly hopeless, witnesses his former business partners smearing his only remaining legacy on "Charlie Rose". It's bad enough he's stuck in the New Hampshire mountains, can't get his money to the people that need it, and the police are on their way to arrest him. But that one last blow to his ego is just the right spur to reignite his will. And you can just see the fires of an exploding sun behind Cranston's eyes, it's a hell of an image. And it does a fine job of teasing the final episode where who-the-hell-knows will happen.

If "Ozymandias" was about violently razing the Heisenberg empire, "Granite State" is about the very depths of that pit of despair; not felt just by Walt, but almost everyone around him. It's sad on a very different level.

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