An Intense Nerve-Jangler That Keeps You Riveted!
19 June 2015
Well, after a chaotically hellish afternoon yesterday, I was delighted to find my reward for surviving it in the mailbox: my DVD of Chill: The Killing Games arrived, and I cocooned off with a nice sticky bowl to enjoy my prize! As expected, it did not disappoint... it had all the excitement and flavor of a Hunger Games/Running Man mashup, but with a healthy (your doctor's opinion of the actual health benefits may vary, lol) dollop of Scream folded into the mix just for fun! The cinematography of Noelle Bye Hansen was incredible, and when combined with a masterfully-scored original soundtrack by Shaun Green and Jason Hursh, the sublime performances of Roger Conners and a wonderfully diverse cast of players, all blend cohesively together to create an intoxicating brew that grows ever more addictive as the story progresses, as it steadfastly compels you towards the nerve- jangling final brainstem twister that ends the story (for now) . I look forward with great anticipation to seeing Chill progress in subsequent installments!

Skot Pierson, Zombie Guru & "Master of All Things Green" Reporting for Zombiepalooza Radio!

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