Game of Thrones: Hardhome (2015)
Season 5, Episode 8
Well....What can i say now.....WINTER IS COMING !!
4 July 2015
well..i don't know were to begin. I mean the is one of the finest hour of television that i have witnessed until now. i don't know what people say about season 5 being the least best among all the seasons, but i can surely tell you that all the starting episodes were made for the character development and for a great build up which has finally paid of in this episode. I cant call it just an episode because it was an experience. The best thing in the episode was the long stare between the walker leader and Jon snow, i mean it was one of the most intense scenes one could witness in their whole lives. those who have not watched the episode and is reading my review , i can assure you one thing, IT WILL BE THE GREATEST HOUR YOU WOULD HAVE EVER SPENT WATCHING TELEVISION AND I MEAN IT.
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