The Big Valley: Days of Wrath (1968)
Season 3, Episode 17
Beth Wants a House Without a Roof
4 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the whole episode, but was especially caught by a piece of dialog from Jarrod's new wife when discussion of building a home came about. She said "promise to build a house without a roof." Why? Because she was so happy and didn't want anything blocking the beautiful sky. Made me wonder is Pharell Williams had a western fan in his family and somewhere in his subconscious, this phrase was always with him?

Anyway, to the show, as another reviewer noted, Victoria was welcoming and got right down to teaching Beth how to be a good wife to Jarrod, including showing her how to prepare J's favorite meal.

Before any eating could be done, J comes in and sweeps Beth off to a beautiful spot, where he's prepared to build the aforementioned house. As the lovely young wife leans across J to pick a flower, a shot rings out and she's gone.

Jarrod immediately has his suspicions of who did the deed and why. A man he had put in prison, was in town the previous day. J wastes no time saddling up and going in pursuit.

What we're left with is a wild wild ride as J goes deranged and I mean that in the best possible way. I'm sure this episode ended up on the reel presented to the various acting award committees, really, it was that good. A perfect blend of a man with a broken heart, set to right the wrong. I believed it every step of the way.

J would have finished off the guy in the last few minutes (apparently with the sheriff's blessing) if the other brothers hadn't ridden in and stood between J and Cass, who had just about met his maker, with his head in a horse water trough.

The coda has J humbled and feeling low. Now he knows what it's like to take after the fiery side of Victoria, not sure he even had it in him. Well worth a watch. I didn't notice any of the awkwardness lamented by another reviewer.
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