Aftermath (III) (2011)
Just the usual
2 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Agtermath" is a 2011 half-hour short movie written and directed by Jessica Farizo and Trent Gillham. The lead actor is Frederick Morris who you may or may not have seen on "I Love You Phillip Morris". All in all he is doing a fine job here mostly, but in terms of the action there is just nothing really new or creative in here. It's a generic post-apocalyptic thriller and the main character gives it his all to deal with rising tensions within his family, towards his two children, and also get enough food to keep everybody sane, healthy and alive. That is obviously a problem as food is scarce and there are more survivors out there who are not willing to share. Then at the end, there is some gun-related drama about his son. I have to say I was fairly uninterested in the main characters' fates and disinterest or complacency is probably the worst what a film can bring up in audiences. Still, it is not an entire failure, the acting is okay for the most part. But nonetheless, I cannot recommend this one to audiences.
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