Cute, romantic movie
27 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I only checked this movie out because Brandon Routh was in it and wanted to see his acting outside of Superman Returns and Arrow. It was a cute, little movie about a man named James who returns to small town from his childhood after he was laid off from his job. When he was a preteen, his mother took him and fled their home because his father was abusive towards his mother. They moved to a small town where James is bullied with no friends and he meets Abby who befriends them. They spend their childhood exploring the small town and hanging out with each other even sharing their first kiss together. When James' father shows up off scene and finds them and takes them away, James promised Abby that he would return one day. Many years later, James return to the small town where he meets Abby. He finds out that she is now an artist and engaged to a man named William. The night that Abby marries William, James meets Jill, a local gym instructor,at a local bar but her character is unnecessary, adds nothing to the plot, and probably only was added to give James someone when it is quite obvious that he is still in love with Abby to both Jill and William. A year after Abby and William married, they meet James at the same bar he met Jill to celebrate his birthday. When Abby and William arrive at the bar, a drunkard sexually harasses Abby. William jumps to her defense. When the drunkard refuses to back down and apologize, James sucker punches the drunkard down to the floor and the bar owner kicks the drunkard out. When the foursome leaves the bar, the drunkard is waiting for his revenge and ends up sucker punching William and knocking him to the ground and hitting his head on a steel truck ball. He is taken to the hospital bleeding and losing consciousness. The second half of the movies focuses on William now a mute and Abby who stops living her life and painting in order to take care of William because she feels guilty about what happens to him. The final few minutes of the movie takes a cute twist that strengthen a movie that is otherwise another generic love story. I enjoyed this movie. I enjoyed the cute love story between Abby and James as both children and adults and how powerful their bond is even though years of separation. It's a cute little romantic movie to waste a couple of hours watching. Routh was amazing and so was his co-star Courtney Ford as Abby. Great movie and cute romantic drama.
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