The Girl He Met Online (2014 TV Movie)
Highly Suspenseful Cautionary Tale
17 June 2015
Acclaimed Director Curtis Crawford helms this suspenseful drama that serves as a fine thriller as well as an important cautionary tale. In a superb performance, Yvonne Zima plays a bipolar young woman who acts out her fury upon the rejection of love interests. Shawn Roberts, particularly effective, is the man who meets her online and comes to regret the challenges she presents. The film works on several levels and is an eye opener for the uninformed on all of them. As an exploration of the risks of internet dating it is a powerful statement indeed. The threats inherent in the medium are stunningly demonstrated in some detail. The issue of mental health is sensitively observed and beautifully portrayed. Bipolar Disorder does not necessarily lead to deadly violence and unspeakable rage in relationships but the potential is there. This motion picture serves as a cry for help from the mental health community for more funding for both research and care. However, the drama and suspense drives this film and on that level alone it is a superior production.
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