"Halloween" clone is well-made but lacks bite.
14 June 2015
A nameless killer stalks brides-to-be. That's "He Knows You're Alone" in a nutshell, so enough about the plot because there's really not much to say.

The problem with "He Knows You're Alone" isn't the fact that it's obviously an attempt to cash in on the success of "Halloween" (hell, half the movies made before 1984 attempted the same thing), but the film commits two unforgivable slasher film mistakes: it's bloodless, and it's boring. Two things a slasher film should never be.

If you're making a slasher film and you can't manage to keep your movie taut and suspenseful for 90 minutes what with all the stalking and slashing you have the opportunity to put on screen, you're either trying too hard to be classy or you just shouldn't be making a slasher.

This isn't to say "He Knows You're Alone" doesn't have some good things going for it--the lighting is atmospheric in some night scenes, there are some tense moments where the killer is just out of frame waiting to strike, and the film is more professionally shot than most of its brothers--but all of its merits are bogged down by the interminably slow pacing. The film needed more blood, more kills, and more suspense overall to compete with even "Halloween", a slow burn itself which still manages to be ten times as entertaining.

If you're a fan of 80s slashers, of course you'll still have to see it. If you're a casual horror fan, the most horrifying thing about the movie will probably the amount of time you wasted watching it.
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