People are being way too hard on this film. But I am perhaps a lil bias lol.
14 June 2015
So they pretty much milked every possible reference to the original film they could, but I can't really blame them for that, and as a huge fan of the franchise, I'm willing to overlook the downfalls and cheesiness that the film sometimes dips into. Call me a sell-out for nostalgia, but when that ol' music comes on and were getting ready to enter the park, I was having a moment with my 6 yr old self. JP was the first movie I ever saw in a theater, and it changed my life lol. I KNOW many other viewers had to feel at least some of that, esp the folks from my generation.

I don't want to give details away, but TRUST me, they haven't given away every exciting moment and set-piece in the trailers as is so often the case nowadays. There's quite a few interesting surprises and callbacks that had me giddy. At 28 yrs old I don't often have reason to be giddy, but this movie had me from beginning to end. The 3D was worth it, very well done. Bet it was even cooler in IMAX, but where I live the only IMAX theater in the state is almost 3 hrs away unfortunately..

Is this movie on par with the first film? No, it isn't. But nothing was ever going to top or equal JP. The other sequels didn't, and this is a huge step up from JP3. So, haters gunna hate.... but I personally enjoyed this for what it was. Enjoy.
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