Dude Bro Party Massacre III. Good horror movie, or the best horror movie?
13 June 2015
Just as some movies that should be great turn out to be awful, some movies that should be awful turn out to be great - Dude Bro Party Massacre III. Unfortunately, for a film that's based on a Frat party gone wrong, none of the current Frat members are going to admit to liking it now. Few will give it a chance and realize the direction is good, the acting is good, the music is good, that it's exciting, funny, scary, suitably epic and absolutely action-packed and that it looks fantastic.

What looks like suicide at first glance - converting an average Chico party into a full-length feature - gets more appealing when you look at the source material closer. The real party was an epic hybrid of Dude broness and parties, with ancient teachers and janitors mixing with sex and murder. It also has a classic Alfred Hitchcock Birds feel, mixing Ancient Greece-era symbols and people who don't understand their significance.

Dude Bro Party Massacre III succeeds because it takes the real experience of College and adapts not it's superficial qualities, but it's essence into a movie, turning it into a mature Homedy. This is where so many College based movies failed. They don't adapt their source material properly to make a successful feature film. You need to make the movie a natural progression from what it's based on, altering the look enough so it looks acceptable in real action, altering the characters into real people, choosing actors who can give real performances. It's not simply dressing superstars up as characters from a Fraternity, it's re-imagining the ideas as a movie. DBPM3 does this perfectly. You can fault it as a film itself, of course, but you can't fault it as an adaption.

The production design is superb, with some superbly realized sets and costumes. Everything has been adapted to look more realistic on the big screen. The cast give uniformly decent performances. Nobody lets the side down - these are all 3D characters. Alec Owen proves he's one of the young men in our society who can truly act. Patton Oswalt gives an outstanding performance as Chief, his powerful presence almost bursting out of the TV and into your living room. Oswalt gives a shining example to all actors portraying hooded figures. There is a pervading sense of dread whenever he appears and the script gives him some awesome lines which he delivers with pure comedy prowess.

Setting the movie in the middle of nowhere has it's advantages and disadvantages. It does give the film a human component. It also makes the murderer scarier - rather than being a distant psycho. On the other hand, it would have been cool to see some more of Chico and it's weird inhabitants and locations, but DBPM3 had a relatively small budget, so that sort of stuff was off limit anyway.

DBPM3 is also packed with action, and we do mean packed. There is an outbreak of violence every 15 minutes or so, usually even less, and there is variety and imagination among the content, unlike many Homedy films, which consist of repetitive one-liners and fart jokes. It could possibly be said that it's quality over quantity, as some of it, particularly the jokes, are extremely well filmed, and none of the jokes ever reaches critical mass. And all the horror grows organically from the story - none of it seems put in simply because the movie needed an extra scene at a certain point.

When Dude Bro Party Massacre III is released at cinemas this summer, people would realize how good it is compared to the blockbuster summer fare we get these days. And all for 400k, which is hardly anything.

My Final note is Bravo and Thank you for a truly superb film.
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