Castle: Hollander's Woods (2015)
Season 7, Episode 23
Missed the boat
11 June 2015
This season lacked intrigue and spark ...It needs a jump start, something to spark and hold the viewers attention. In the beginning , there was levity, humor , sarcasm and so much more . We have seen Becketts appearance loom from sultry to just plain Jane. She started out with a hairstyle that rocked and makeup that accentuated her eyes but as the seasons wore on, her hair got light and scraggly ...Like now that she landed her man, she didn't need to dress to impress. By the time season 7 rolled around , we had just another female with hair too long for her age and looking dirty and uncombed.

Although this was one of the better episodes of the season ,the writers totally missed a golden opportunity to do a flashback to season 6 episode 5 which aired on 10/21/13 "Time Will Tell" wherein the guest character called Kate "senator " and predicted she and Castle would have three kids "...and then comes this seasons final episode where Kate is asked to run for the senate ...did anyone else pick up on this tidbit from the past to see it ignored for the season finale ?
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