A made movie
31 May 2015
I love this film every time I see it. I suspect too, it's been overlooked, and has a low profile existence in movie world. This unmissable film, has a style of it's own and at times, there are such beautiful moments. There's an underlying intention in the movie, crying out to be something more. Dar (Pasdar) and Tuck (Penn) are going mad in this little Pen smoke stack town. They are two wild and reckless guys, especially Dar, who has such a dangerous energy, Pasdar, such an awesome presence, giving such a mesmerizing performance by while Penn's pretty good too. Too, there's a deadly chemical pollutant in the air, Dioxide. They take off, headed for California, while hot wiring a few cars as transport. By chance, they meet a real wild one (Lori Singer) who joins them, where this lass is extra trouble, crazier than them. Later on, they pick up an Indian girl, and take her her back to the reservation. Another nice character touch. This 78 minute road movie, never dulls, and this road trip is every bit entertaining, I found, because of the all crazy stuff these very likable characters do. They even steal slices of pizza from laborers, in the early stage of this short running flick, that really does make it's point. It's one of the most enjoyable road movies I've seen, as one of the most potent. You find yourself pondering over what Penn and Pasdar's issues really are. Like I said, Pasdar's character is really intriguing. We really sympathize with our reckless duo, where Singer's performance can't go unnoticed, either. That sad music score is eerily engaging, as is the performances by our trio. Those surfer haircuts of the two, after running in a bit of trouble, on the reservation, are by far the most fu..ed up, I've ever seen, especially Penn's. Highly recommended film.
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