Focus (II) (2015)
Good rainy day film.
29 May 2015
Ficarra and Requa are former writers turned directors that have been pretty spot on with the movies that they've had their hands in making. From the underrated I Love You Phillip Morris to their screenplays for Bad Santa and the remake of The Bad News Bears, the duo has consistently entertained me. Focus is their newest movie, starring Will Smith and Margot Robbie (The Wolf Of Wall Street) this is a fun, if not overplayed, classic "one last score" con movie. Smith plays Nicky Spurgeon, a seasoned con man that is in the midst of his newest scheme when he spots and old flame from his past, played by Robbie. The two get romantic once again while conning targets large and small. Now most of the problems I had with the film were with the con's they were pulling. They ranged from believable to "you gotta be kidding me" ridiculous, and the ending was kind of a let down. Most con films play up to a surprise ending, this film kind of had that, but more along the line of "Eh, who cares?" In the end, Focus is a perfect rainy day movie. One you'll throw on, be entertained and afterwards forget it ever existed.
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