Low budget movie in the style of Feuten - The series
25 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
While I agree with everyone on the fact that this is not a masterpiece, I do think they did a pretty good job on this film. It has a lot of similarities with the series (including some of the comedy aspects), which is why people will watch it in the first place, shows some fine camera work on the party scenes (because that is actually what these parties look like nowadays) and did that all with a very small budget. As a non-fraternity student, I think this is actually a quite OK representation of what the beginning of any student life is. Not everyone will end up in a police van at 6 in the morning, but you will probably experience a change in mind-set in some way. In conclusion, I would recommend this to any people starting university soon, and I would advise everyone to compare this film to others with similar genre and budget, because it does quite alright in that (short) list.
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