Another long-awaited crossover film!
18 May 2015
ALIEN VS. PREDATOR was a long awaited feature film crossover for me, this was after 2003's "Freddy vs. Jason", which I previously reviewed.

The film is set in the year 2004 and it follows a group of archaeologists assembled by billionaire Charles Bishop Weyland for an expedition near the Antarctic to investigate a mysterious heat signal.

Weyland hopes to claim the find for himself and his group discovers a pyramid below the surface of a whaling station.

Hieroglyphs and sculptures reveal that the pyramid is a hunting ground for Predators who kill Aliens as a rite of passage. The humans are caught in the middle of a battle between the two species and attempt to prevent the Aliens from reaching the surface.

The story is amazing and the direction is okay. The cinematography has that gory atmosphere and creepy feel in the second and third act, but it has that snowy Christmas-like atmosphere in the first act of the film. The problem that had film critics hammer this film was the PG-13 rating, to be honest, I don't mind this film having that rating because I understand what Paul W.S. Anderson was going for.

Other problems was the dialogue. Sure, the dialogue feels out of place, but I like the script written for the film. The other things were cardboard characters, the fast-paced editing during action sequences and lighting.

The lighting is a distraction, but that does not stop me from watching this movie. THE FILM IS RATED PG-13! GET OVER IT, PEOPLE AND CRITICS. The fast-paced editing during the fights are awesome for this film and I don't mind this at all. The production designs and special effects are amazing and I could not have seen better.

The characters are not cardboards, they're characters that I can relate to while watching the film. The acting is okay and the performances are amazing. Alien vs. Predator is a film that really needs to be remembered better than it has been. Sure, there are some major flaws, but I can get over that. 6.5/10.
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