UnProfessional Acting and DIrecting Make This Film A Complete Mess
18 May 2015
Firstly, that guy above me who wrote one review for IMDb - for this movie - and gave it a 10 - that guy just about admits to being on the crew of the film.

This is a fairly bad movie and most definitely not worth the time to view. The acting is that of a poor high school drama club, the "special effects" essentially consist of occasional blue glowing eyes and the direction is virtually non-existent.

The plot line nothing you haven't seen before, exposure to radiation gives teenagers mutant super-powers. Right.

The movie openly adopts a graphic novel approach with occasional cuts to an comic book overlay of the current scene. Nice but I'm pretty sure we've seen that before too.

We live in an age where almost anyone can make a film because the tools to do so are so easily accessibly. This film once again proves that not everyone should.
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