Nazis in America
9 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Right after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor it was a given that Hitler, binded by the German Italian & Japanese axis mutual defense pact, will declare war on the USA. With German/American Henry Bremmer, Frank Riiecher, desperate to gets his wife and family out of Nazi Germany before the ax drops he get his lawyer friend Carl Backer also a German American, played by future TV private eye Peter Gunn Craig Stevens, to get the papers to get them out before war is declared. The person who is to help Bremmer in all this is unknown to Becker Nazi spy and undercover NYC hotel manager Dr. Woodford allies Otto Zimmer,Robert Warwick.

Blackmiled by the Nazis to serve the "Fatherland" in order to prevent his family from ending up in a Nazi concentration camp Bremmer as their radio operator is involved in directing Nazi U-boats to attack and sink allied shipping. It's not long that Becker, now a US secret agent, gets the jump on Woodford & Co. and has them busted by the FBI and sent to be tried and later, no doubt about the outcome, executed by the US Government for espionage & treason. Unknow to everyone involved included Secret Agent Becker the singer at Woodford's hotel Paula Fengler, played by Faye Emerson was was to later marry FDR Jr, is secretly married to Woodford as well as a fanatical Nazi like himself:It takes one to like one. Sneaking a number of Nazis on the train bound to D.C with Woodford aboard they killed those government agents guarding him and take off to their secret hideout a deserted hunting lodge in the far off and land locked Adirondacks Mountains.

***SPOILERS*** With everything set to sneak Woodford and later Paula out of the country by German U-Boat It's Bremmer who alerts, vis short wave radio, their plans that has Becker and company of US Government Agents storm the place and in a wild gun battle the slippery as an ell Woodford again escapes from justice with Becker hot on his tale. The final shoe to drop on Woodford AKA Otto Zimmer is when his plan to escape is foiled by Becker & the by now late, he was killed by Woodford's men, Bremmer. That with Woodford's mode of escape the Nazi U-Boat sunk before it surfaced by the US Coast Guard and Paula, who was putting on an act as a loyal American, exposed as a Nazi spy. As for Woodford he was beaten to the punch with Becker, having a hidden gun under his broken arm cast, blasting him before he could get a shot off.
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