Man In The Moon
11 May 2015
Did we really laugh at films like this? Strangely, yes, once upon a time. In this black and white non-classic, Kenneth More plays the semi-moronic William Blood who makes his living volunteering for medical trials. Until now, no one seems to have realised that Blood is a medical marvel himself, he doesn't get ill however they try to infect him, something that may be due to his laid back attitude.

This prompts the British space research team (seriously) to recruit him for a trip to the Moon. The only problem is that this is purely a one-way trip, which of course Blood doesn't realise. Needless to say, things don't go quite according to plan. There is a minor sub- plot featuring a very blonde ingénue, who deserves that appellation in spite of her being a stripper by profession.

"Man In The Moon" is all very tame but it does give a couple of good lines to one of its minor characters that will deserve to be remembered by Libertarians and philosophers long after the film itself is forgotten.
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