Doc Martin: The Tameness of a Wolf (2013)
Season 6, Episode 3
A serious case of erotomania...and, as usual, PC Penhale is an idiot.
8 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A strange and scruffy guy arrives in town in a very odd manner--he's unconscious and lying by the wharf! Martin helps the stranger and then this guy just disappears. However, he's not gone for long, as the guy has a bizarre secret--he's an erotomaniac! While this term sounds dirty, it refers to someone who is suffering from the delusion that someone is in love with him--someone who really has no idea who he is! In this case, the object of his sick delusion is Aunt Ruth of all people! Considering that PC Penhale is the law, it's up to Doc Martin to come to the rescue! Fortunately, Ruth is also amazingly clever when confronted by this odd-ball and together with Martin they still have their hands full!

This is a pretty good episode of "Doc Martin". However, it is unusual in that its main plot is much more pervasive than usual and the minor subplots are, as a result, much more minor. Well worth seeing.
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